News Room Guyana

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Kaieteur News

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Guyana Chronicle

The Nation's Newspaper
  • Early elections are not on the PPP/C’s political radar!   
    Dear Editor, WELL-KNOWN social commentator Mr Ravi Dev stated in a recent newspaper letter that the PPP/C has an option to call elections early in Guyana. His rationale is the perception that the PNCR and the AFC are in disarray prior to and following their recent party congresses. Even if these parties are in some […]
  • Hammie continues his contortions
    Dear Editor, AFTER reading Hamilton Greene’s letter in the July 19, 2024 publication of Stabroek News, I felt compelled to transfer memories to words. “Elder” as he now seems contented to call himself, should do some serious and HONEST reflections if he wants Guyanese to pay attention to his thoughts, seemingly affected by distorted memories. On […]
  • Mr Goolsarran might have caused himself unintended self-inflected injury
    Dear Editor, I WISH to thank Mr Anand Goolsarran for his response to me in today’s (July 25, 2024) edition of the Stabroek News (SN). In his recent column, Mr. Goolsarran raised some issues concerning me in relation to conflict of interest and ethical conduct, where he made some insinuations and assertions that I addressed […]

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